Monday, October 28, 2013

With or Without Child

Growing up you always here the talk about wanting grandchildren and how exciting it will be to one day have grandchildren. However some girls know from a young age that their parents will never have grandchildren because there kids don’t want kids. Knowing that you doing want kids are not an easy decision considering it will affect everybody who you are close to who has some type of expectations of what your adult life should look like. Women who decide not to have children feel that they will be judged. The decision to not have a child is seen as one that is selfish when in actuality it is completely selfless. For one to decide that they couldn’t fully commit to a child is one of the most impressive decisions. I feel most people go into parenting blindly hoping for the best. For the few that choose not to go into parenting at all are the few who understand what they want in life. Women who decide that they don’t want children are the type of women who have “lack of interest in dolls or playing family pretend games with friends” in girlhood. What about the women who had interest in those things but cant decide whether or not they want to have kids? How do you know if you do or if you don’t? Do you have kids and hope you love them and care for them they way your parents did? Or as we get older do we realize that where we stand financially, professionally, and socially will decide whether or not kids would be in our future? Most of the time women who want kids don’t know why, you ask someone if they want kids they will just say “that’s just how life is” or “that’s the expectation” but its none of those. The expectation of life is what you want it to be, if your expectation is to be a bum and live on the streets then that is where your life will go, if you strive for success in your career and want to make a lot of money, that’s what you will shoot for. And if you envision your life to be jam-packed filled with kids, chances are that’s what your life will be. The expectation for what life should be isn’t going to be the same stereotypical three to four kids all living behind a white picket fence. Also, the feeling of loneliness is what some women fear in not having kids. Marriage is a part in the early stages of parent hood. Some marriages may feel content living where they live spending money on only the two of them not wanting another financial burden while others may feel like they are missing a piece to their lives. Personally, having childe would be an amazing thing I always pictured myself with four or five kids all close in age and running around yet another part of me wonders, are you actually fit for what being a mother is all about? Who knows…

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