Wednesday, November 6, 2013

to love or not to love

while some may think this answer is an easy "to love", I think this answer is dependent on the situation. we all grow up and our first exposure to love is to our parents. we are taught and shown that you are supposed to love your parents, but what if we don't? what if we love what they do for us but we don't lovethe  type of people our parents are. Whether they be drug addicts, alcoholics, workaholics or just non-existent in our lives. what if we can't love somebody like that. then what? do we fake it? do we act like they are amazing people who you would do anything and everything for? or do we express our feelings for what they really are. Another situation where you may or may not know whether or not to love is bestfriend love. bestfriends mean everything to people for the time being. they are the ones who are always there for you and visa versa. bestfriends although sometimes change as often as the seasons, mainly because your friends personality and choices change and it make it hard for you to love who your friend is becoming. or sometimes who you friend is making you become. in a situation like this, what do you actually do? do you leave your best friend in the dust not giving him or her a reason (which will ultimately hurt you too because now you lost your bestfriend)? or do you tell your friend that they are taking the wrong path in life (even though friends aren't suppose to judge other friends) and since you are the average of who you ssurrond yourself with you don't want to make the same choices. Or what if you love your bestfriend, and your bestfriend doesn't love you anymore. how can you face this day to day knowing you have done somethig to upset your 'bestfriend' but can't figure out why. did I do something, did somebody accuse me of something, or am I making the bad choices. deciding whether to love or not to love is harder than just saying the words "I love you" mainly because you can say them with meaning or without, with reason or without.  and most of the time we say them not knowing whether or not there is a meaning behind them or wether or not we even have a reason to say the words or feel the emotion.
but what about this... what if you feel this feeling inside you. the feeling of disappointment, happiness, jealousy, sadness, are those the emotions of love? are those feelings going to be the deciding factor of wether or not you love somebody or you don't? 
how can one even know wether or not they somebody or something. 
 so now think... to love or not to love, or to mean love or to just say love... how easy is it now. 

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